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My Thought Diary

Are you feeling overwhelmed or anxious? Has something happened that has left you feeling like your mind in racing in a spiral of negative thoughts?

This 5-10 minute activity can help you reframe these thoughts into something healthier, helping you to calm down and view things from a new perspective.

How can this activity help?

This activity is used by licenced therapists as a part of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to help patients decipher and reframe distorted thoughts on their own whenever they find themselves in a negative thought spiral. This gives them the opportunity to recognise and learn from their distorted thinking, as well as a method to help them calm down in those stressful situations when negative thoughts can take over.

How do I know this? Well, my therapist gave me a paper-based version and it worked so well to aid me through a dark time in my life that I wanted to digitise it to make it more accessible to others. I hop it can help you as it has helped me <3

What is Distorted Thinking?

Distorted Thinking, also known as Cognitive Distortions, involve negative thinking patters that are not based in fact or truth and can be driven by internal biases or underlying beliefs. Distorted thoughts increase sadness, fuel anxiety and ultimately lead to bad mental health. Many mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and personality disorders are associated with Distorted Thinking, but anyone is succeptable to it.


This activity should not be used to replace therapy or medication. If you find yourself struggling with your mental health please seek help from your GP, close friends and family. You absolutely deserve to take the time to seek better mental health <3
NHS Mental Health information (UK): https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/
Support lines (to talk to someone): https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/seeking-help-for-a-mental-health-problem/mental-health-helplines/

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